Missions and Outreach
At New Covenant we believe that our lives are to be lived in light of Jesus’ mission to make disciples. Our members practice this Missional Living in various ways both locally and around the world through ministries that show the love of Jesus in word and in deed. If you would like more information on how you can take part in this mission see the ministry areas and contacts listed below.
International Ministries
NCPC supports mission work through over 20 missionaries in almost every region of the globe. These missionaries represent Bible translators, church planters, campus ministers, evangelists and those who train indigenous leaders for future ministry. If you would like more information on NCPC’s work around the world, contact Gary Senn.
Local Ministries
At NCPC we also believe we have a responsibility to minister to those in need in our own back yard. Our members participate in several local ministries, many of which are listed below with people you can contact to find out more about how you can serve Jesus here in Aiken.
Aiken Churches Together Serving (ACTS) is a resource pool for churches to provide temporary-emergency aid to people in the Aiken area. Contact Phil Richardson or visit https://actsofaiken.org/.
Life Choices Pregnancy Care Center seeks to minister by promoting God’s design for women. Contact them at (803) 649-9890.
Christ Central of Aiken seeks to "meet the needs of the poor and disadvantaged in our community by first providing basic needs, such as food, clothing, shelter and prayer". For more information visit https://christcentralaiken.com/.
Meals on Wheels is a volunteer group that provides regular meals for shut ins. For more information contact the church office
Veterans Outreach is a ministry that brings combat veterans together to promote healing and restoration. For more information contact Stan Massingil or visit our Combat Veterans Support Page.
Young Life of Aiken is a ministry to Aiken area junior high and high school students through fun and lasting relationships. For more information visit https://aikencounty.younglife.org/.